04. Campaign Template

04. Campaign Template

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Campaign Template

A Campaign Template provides a template used to control how leads are presented and processed. When Campaigns are created (by importing leads) the Campaign is linked to a Campaign Template. Any number of Campaigns can be connected to a Campaign Template. A Campaign Template consists of a set of disposition codes, one or more screen layouts, a set of dialler stop codes and controls for the diallers behaviour.

Campaign Template are normally created as part of the import process so there is rarely any need to create a Campaign Template from scratch. A Campaign Manager will to need to tune the Campaign Template settings to get the best performance out of the system.


Field Explanation
Campaign Template Each Campaign Template must have a unique name this is normally set as part of the first Campaign import.
Description Allows the 03. User Management to set a note regarding the purpose of the Campaign Template.
Preview Period The amount of time, in seconds, to display a lead to the agent before dialing. The preview period is ONLY applicable when an agent is operating in 12.3. Dial Mode. If the Preview Period is set to zero then there will be no preview period before the number is dialled. Given that it typically takes six seconds for a number to be dialed and answered setting the Preview Period to zero is usually appropriate. If the Preview Period is set to '-1' then dialer will wait for the Agent to manually end the preview period (by clicking 'Skip Preview') before starting the dial phase.
Wrapup Period

The amount of time in seconds to allow the Agent to complete data entry or any external task before the Dialler starts dialling the next lead. If the Wrap Period is set to zero then there will be no wrap period and the Dialler will proceed directly to the next lead and enter Preview Mode. If the Wrap Period is set to '-1' then dialler will wait for the Agent to end the wrap period before starting the next preview phase.

Noojee Campaigner also support the ability to set a different 07. Dispositions. When a disposition has a defined wrap time then it will over-ride this global setting.

Chain Dial Controls how leads with multiple 06.01. Field Types are dialed. If Chain Dial is selected then each Phone Number associated with a lead will be dialed in turn one immediately after the other until a call is answered. If Chain Dial is disabled then the dialer will dial each number in turn but the interval between each attempt will be defined by the disposition type. e.g. if dialed number is not answered and the answer retry interval is three hours then the next number associated with the lead will be dialed in three hours.
Disposition Ends Wrap

When set the wrap time for a call will be truncated when the users selects the Dispostion for the lead. This option can be handy if there is a large amount of variablity in the wrap time which requires you to configure a long wrap time.  To some extent the ability to set a '07. Dispositions' obviates the need for this setting to be used for most contact centres.

Disposition Set This is the 07. Dispositions which will be used by all Campaigns associated with this Campaign Template.
Allowed Undispostioned Count

Some organisations want the dialer to proceed to the next call even if the agent has not dispositioned the call. This can be useful if agents intentionally use the disposition to pause the dialer. Setting this value to anything other than zero will cause the dialer to wait the defined 'Wrap Period' and if the lead dispostion has not been dispositioned it will then continue on to the next call. Leads which are skipped in this manner will be automatically dispostioned as 'Disposition Not Set'. A supervisor should regularly check the Agent Disposition Report to monitor agents who are potentially abusing the system.

The value of the 'Allowed Undipositioned Count' field controls how many consequetive calls and agent can make without dispositioning the call. If this count is exceeded the system will automatically stop the dialer. This is intended to act as a 'dead man switch' in case the agent walks away from their desk without stopping the dialler. Without this dead man switch the dialer could potentially continue ringing customers throughout the night. NTS recommends that this value should be set no higher than 3.

Stop Code Set

13. Stop Codes are used by the dialer to request the Agent to enter a reason each time they stop the dialer. The Stop Codes allow a Campaign Manager to review where an agent is spending their time whilst not in the dialer.

The Stop Code set which will be used by all Campaigns associated with this Campaign Template. Stop Code Sets are global and can be shared amongst Campaign Templates if desired. Each time a new Campaign Template is created a default Stop Code set is created for the Campaign Template using the Campaign Template's name.

Agent Dial Mode

Controls how the dialer interacts with the Agents phone. The following options are available:

Dial Agent, never hangup - the agent phone is dialed when the dialer starts and the call is held open until the agent stops the dialer. This is the recommended mode of operation.

Dial Agent, hangup after every call - the agent phone is dialed at the start of each individual call and hungup at the end.

Agent Dials in, never hangup - used if you are using a home phone (non VoIP) or a phone attached to an existing PBX. To use this mode you need to obtain a dial in number from Noojee Support.

Agent chooses Dial Direction, never hangup - agent can choose to dial in or have the dialer dial the agent. This mode is used if you have different agents in different situations and they need to be able to choose the optimal way to interact with the dialer.

Agent Dial-in Route Used in conjuction with the the Agent Dials in and Agent Chooses Dial Direct options of the Agent Dial Mode field. The route controls what number the agents have available to dial in on.
Voicemail Route When a call is answered by a voicemail system (Answering Machine) the call can be diverted to the Voicemail Handler by either the Agent (by clicking the 'Voicemail' button') or by the Answering Machine Detection system  (if enabled). The Voicemail handler will wait for the voicemail to complete its introductory message and then play a pre-recorded message to the voicemail box. In the mean time Noojee Dialler release the Agent from the call immediately proceeding to the next lead. The Voicemail handler must be configured by a system administrator via the 04.1 Routing.
No Answer Retry Lock Time (minutes) When dialing a lead the Dialer will often get a 'No Answer' for a variety of reasons such as the number was busy/engaged etc. When a call attempt fails due to a 'No Answer' the dialler will automatically reschedule the lead for a callback. The 'No Answer Retry Lock Time' is used to control the period of time, in minutes, the system will wait before trying to call the lead again.
No Answer Retry Limit When dialing a lead the Dialer will often get a 'No Answer' for a variety of reasons such as the number was busy/engaged etc. When a call attempt fails due to a 'No Answer' the dialler will automatically reschedule the lead for a callback. The 'No Answer Retry Limit' is used to control the maximum number of times the Dialer will attempt to re-dial the number. The Retry Limit is critical in ensuring that the Dialer doesn't harras customers.

Approved Call Back No Answer Retry Limit

Controls the number of times a lead is dialed with a result of 'No Answer' when the lead is marked as a 'Client Approved' callback. A lead is marked as 'Client Approved' by setting the flag '14. Callbacks' for a disposition.

The purpose of this setting is to allow a greater number of retries for client approved call backs than for simple No Answers that are derived as a result of a Cold Call attempt.

Approved Call Back no Answer Retry Lock Time This setting works the same as the 'No Answer Retry Lock Time' except that it applies in the case of Customer Approved callbacks. It may be appropriate to have a shorter retry lock time for customer approved callbacks  than it is for simple no answers.
Callback priority threshold for reporting Controls which callbacks are displayed in key callback reports. Noojee Campaigner allows a supervisort to create 'Callback' dispositions. A call back Disposition requires a priority. The priorty is then used to priortise callbacks when more than one callback is due. The Callback priority threshold for reporting then dictates which of those callbacks will be displayed on any reports. Many organisations do not care about simply 'No Answer' callbacks and therefore want these masked from reports.
Use Global Callbacks When this option is selected then Callbacks from other allocations will be mixed in with whatever allocation the agent is working on. Use this method if you have allocations that have the occasional Callback that needs to be handled in a timely manner but not enough Callbacks for an agent to work directly on the Allocation.
Callback Ownership Expiry Minutes

Controls how long a ownership of callback lasts if the owning agent isn't available to take a callback. If the a callback becomes due and the owning agent is not available within the defined expiry period then the callback will be allocated to the next available agent.

A value of 0 means that the ownership expires immediately if the agent is not available when the callback is due.

Dial timeout

The amount of time the dialer will wait for a call to be answered before it considers it a No Answer.

Becareful not to set this value too low particularly if you are dialing mobile numbers as often the call setup time can be quite long. The result is that every call becomes a No Answer as you haven't allowed the person enough time to answer the call. Generally the timeout should be no less than 12 seconds.

Recommended value: 20


The Dialer setting allows you to select which dialer will be used to run the Campaign. 

Refer to the 12.3. Dial Mode for a description of each of the Dialer Types and recommendations on which dialer will suit your needs.

Min pool size

Used by each of the  Dialers to control the minimum number of calls that will be generated when one or more agents is 'available' to take a call.

The Min pool size is critical to optimal performance of the Dialer. 

Refer to the 12.3. Dial Mode for additional details.

The Min Pool Size must be an integer value.

Pool growth ratio

The Pool Growth Ratio is used by the Pooled Types:  'Shared Pool' and 'Pre-emptive Shared Pooll.

The Pool Growth Ratio combines with the Min Pool Size to determine how many calls should be generated when one or more agents is 'available' to take a call.

The Pool growth ratio is critical to optimal performance of the Dialer. Refer to the 12.3. Dial Mode for additional details.

The Pool Growth Ratio may be either an integer or decimal number.

Expected Call Duration

The Expected Call Duration is used only by the Dialer Type  'Pre-emptive Shared Pool'.

The Expected Call Duration is used to artificially make an agent Available before a call actually ends. When the 'Pre-emptive pooled dial' is used each call is timed. When the call reaches the 'Expected Call Duration' the Agent is marked as Available and the pool will add additional calls to the pool based on the artificially increased number of Available Agents.

Refer to the 12.3. Dial Mode for additional details.

Average Dial Time

The average time it takes to dial a number.  This is used by the Dialer Type  'Pre-emptive Shared Pool' to anticipate when the agent will be ready to take a call so that the dial can commence before the agent is actually Available.  This value is combined with the Expected Call Duration to calculate the time from the start of a call a which an Agent should be artificially marked as Available.

Expected Call Duration - Average Dial Time = Time from start of call at which Agent is marked as Available.

Refer to the 12.3. Dial Mode for additional details.

Pool dial abort limit

The maximum number of times any of the Pool Dialers will ring a single phone number and hangup a 'connected' call without connecting them to an Agent.

This is a critical number and should be kept low (2-3). This is where a customer answers a call but we don't have an agent ready to take the call, so we simply hangup. Customers take a very dim view of these types of calls.

When no leads are available for Pooled dialing then the Agent must change the Dial type to 'Preview Dial' mode in order to dial the remaining leads.

Refer to the 12.3. Dial Mode for additional details.

Calls wait for agent Use this option carefully. When the dialer is in multi-dial mode it will sometimes connect to a customer when no agents are available. Normally the dialer instantly hangs up on the customer and marks the call as abandoned. If this option is selected the call will be held open hoping that an agent becomes available before the customer hangs up. The customer will be played music on hold whilst they wait.
Hide Caller ID If enabled all calls made via this Campaign Template will have the Caller ID blocked.
Caller ID If the 'Hide Caller ID' field is not enabled then the Caller ID which is sent for each call made against this Campaign Template can be controlled by setting the desired phone number in this field. Note: you must 'own' the phone number in order to display it as your Caller ID.
Use AMD If enabled then Automatic Answering Machine Detection will be used.
Initial Silence Time

The maximum silence duration before the greeting. If exceed then assume an Answering Machine.

Default: 50

Max Greeting Time

The maximum length of a greeting. If exceed then assume an Answering Machine.

Default: 1500

After Greeting Silence Time

The silence after detecting a greeting  If exceed then assume an Answering Machine.


Total Analysis Time

The maximum time allowed for the detector to decide between a person or an Answering Machine.

Default: 5000

Minimum Word Length Time

The minimum duration of Voice to considered as a word.

Default: 100

Between Word Silence Time

The minimum duration of silence after a word to considere the audio what follows as a new word.

Default: 50

Max Number Of Words

The maximum number of words in the greeting. If exceed then assume an Answering Machine.

Default: 3

Silence Threshold

The silence threshold. e.g the volume below which we consider there to be silence.

Default: 256

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