07. Dispositions

07. Dispositions

Navigation: Campaign | Disposition Set.

Read this carefully!!

Dispositions are probably the single most important aspect of Noojee Campaigner.


Dispositions control callbacks.  Dispositions control how many times and when a lead is called (excluding the first call).

There are many different reasons why you would or would not want to call a lead a second, third, fourth... time. For example if you ring a number and it turns out to be a Fax machine, then you probably don't want to ring them again. Alternatively if a customer expresses strong interest and wants you to call them back at 10:00 am tomorrow then you want to be certan that call occurs. Dispositions allow you to control these and many other scenarios.

If your dispositions are set up incorrectly you can end up ringing a Fax machine over and over or not ringing the customer that expressed strong interest.  As such it is critically important that you understand how to set up dispositions and how to diagnose prossible problems with your disposition configuration.

Dispositions are used to record the outcome of a call against a lead and  control how a lead is processed after the call is completed. The system ships with a 01. Standard Dispositions however you may add/delete/change the set of disposition codes to suit your requirements (with the exception of the built-in dispositions). Once a disposition code has been used in a campaign it may not be deleted however it may be disabled which will stop Agents from selecting it.

Disposition Sets

A Disposition set is a list of disposition codes. Each 04. Campaign Template is associated with a single 'set of dispositions'. When you first create a new Campaign Template, as part of the lead import process, a 01. Standard Dispositions will be created and associated with the Campaign Template. You can change the disposition set to use an existing one if you have already created a set. Be careful sharing disposition sets between Campaign Templates, if you need to change a disposition it will affect all Campaign Templates and their associated campaigns. For this reason it is usually better to maintain a separate disposition set for each Campaign Template. The default disposition sets has a mixture of built-in dispositions and user definable dispositions. Built-in dispositions are used by Noojee Campaigner in circumstances where it needs to automatically allocate a dispositions code (e.g. the agent closed the browser without first selecting a disposition). You may NOT modify the set of built-in disposition codes.

The Campaign Manager may edit the set of user disposition codes including adding/deleting and editing existing codes. It should be noted that once a disposition code has been used in a campaign it may no longer be deleted. However you can disable a disposition code so that it is no longer visible to Agents.

To edit the list of dispositions select the radio button adjacent to the disposition set of interest and click the 'Dispositions' button.

Whilst you can edit a disposition code after it has been used in a campaign you need to understand that any changes to the disposition code will update all existing leads with that disposition code. This will impact all of your reports! It is usually safer to disable the existing disposition code and create a new one.

Figure: Editing a Disposition Code


Field Explanation
Disposition Set The name of the Disposition Set that this Dispostion Type belongs to.
Name Name of this disposition Type. The name is displayed to an agent on the Dialer window (via a drop list of available Disposition Types) at the end of a call.  The name should be something that will be meaningful to your Agents.
Description A description (meaningful to you) of what the disposition is used for.
Enabled Controls whether this Disposition Type is enabled or not. If it isn't enabled then it will not be show to the Agent at the end of a call. As Disposition Types cannot be deleted you can just disable it to remove it from site.
Disposition Type The disposition type controls what further actions will be applied to a lead.

Close Lead

Work on the lead is considered to be finalised and the lead will not be dialed again in this Campaign.

Count as No Answer, Retry

If selected then the call will be treated as if the customer did not answer. This can be useful when ringing businesses as their phone system will answer all calls and then ring an internal phone which may never get answered.


The lead needs to be called back at a later date/time. The agent will be prompted to enter the callback date and time.

Client Approved Callback

The client requested a callback. Client Approved callbacks are treated differently to a standard callback in terms of the interval between dial attempts and the number of dial attempts. As a rule Client Approved callbacks can be called more times and take priority over non-approved callbacks. See the 04. Campaign Template documentation for details on how this is controlled.


All phone numbers associated with this lead will be added to the internal Private Do Not Call register. All attempts to dial the associated set of numbers will be blocked across all leads.

PDNC Number Only

The phone number dialed will be be added to the internal Private Do Not Call Register. All attempts to dial this number will be blocked.

Retry Lead Skip Disconnected Number

The number just dialed is disconnected however the lead should be retried if it has other phone numbers associated with it.
Priority A disposition can be assigned a Priority. A Priority is used when a lead is marked for callback. When multiple leads are due for callback the leads with the highest priority (where 1 is the highest) are displayed to the agent for callback first.
Default callback Interval When a call back is set the user must enter a date/time for the callback. The Default callback Interval will set a default value for the callback date & time. If this field is set to 3 then the callback would be set for 3 hours time. The Agent can always overide the default value.
Wrap time The amount of time the agent has after the call completes to do any post call processes. If the value is set to -1 then the  wrap time will be taken from the Campaign Template Default Wrap Time. To remove the wrap set the value to zero. The wrap time is set in seconds.

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