18.02 MS-Excel

18.02 MS-Excel

Extracting Data from MS-Excel

MS-Excel is a convenient tool for preparing leads prior to importing them into Noojee Campaigner or Noojee's Noojee Lead Cleanser service or the DNCR.

If you already have the data stored in a spreadsheet then it's easy. MS-Excel can save your file to a CSV file ready for importing into Noojee Campaigner, Noojee's Lead cleansing service or the DNCR.

The DNCR has different requirements for the format of the CSV to that of Noojee Campaigner and our Lead cleanser.
The DNCR requires that you submit a CSV file with a single column containing only the phone number. Note the DNCR file must NOT include a heading row. Noojee Campaigner and Noojee Lead cleanser both will accept any number of columns provided one of them has the heading 'phone'.

The first thing to do is to ensure that the first row of your spreadsheet is a heading row. This mean that each column of the first row contains a name that will be a used as the field name in Noojee Campaigner. An example of a field name might be 'State' or 'Postcode'. The subsequent rows in your spreadsheet would have the actually State or Postcode values under the appropriate column.

Noojee Campaigner REQUIRES that you have ONE column with a column heading labelled 'Phone' and that that column of each row contains the phone number which Noojee Campaigner is to dial.

Example Noojee Campaigner or Lead Cleanser compliant file.


1 A B C
2 Phone State Postcode
3 03 9000 1234 Victoria 3000
4 02 8000 4567 New South Wales 2000

Sample DNCR complient Excel spreadsheet.

1 A B C
3 0390001234    
4 0280004567    

The DNCR has quite strict requirements on the format of the phone numbers. Noojee advises that the phone numbers should have no formatting .e.g. (03) 8320 8100s bad. See the following article of Data Cleanup for details on how to strip the unwanted formating.

To save the data as a CSV file so that it is ready to be imported into Noojee Campaigner then see the following steps:

  1. Choose Save As from the File menu. (If you are using Excel 2007, click the Office button and choose Save As.) Excel displays the Save As dialogue box.
  2. In the Save As Type drop-down list at the bottom of the dialogue box, choose the CSV (Comma delimited) option.
  3. Use the other controls in the dialogue box to specify a file name and location.
  4. Click on Save.
  5. Excel may display a dialogue box telling you that not all Excel features can be maintained in the format you have chosen. Click on Yes to continue saving the information in CSV format.

You can now import the resulting file directly into Noojee Campaigner.

Data Cleanup

Data Cleanup page for a simple technique to clean up your data.Sometimes your phone number may contain non-numeric characters e.g. (03) 8320 8100. In this example the braces need to be removed before you can import the data. See the

Merge multiple phone colums into single colum


Convert Hours to minutes

Occaionsinally you may need to convert a duration from hours, minutes and seconds to pure minutes.

If the duration is formatted as:


Then the following Excel formula will convert the value into the total minutes.


Note: it is CRITICAL that when import the data into excel that you tell excel to import the column as a 'Text' column. If you don't do this the conversion will simply not work.

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