03.08. Dialing

03.08. Dialing

Your campaign is now ready to run.

An agent can now login to Noojee Campaigner and enter the Dialer.

Enter Handset details

When an agent first starts the Dialer they will be asked to enter the 'Extension' number of the phone on their desk. The 'Extension' number is used by Noojee Campaigner to connect the agent to the called customer. The Agent also needs to select the type of handset they are using. The handset type is important as it allows Noojee Campaigner to 'drop the call straight into the agents headset' without first having to ring the agents phone.

Figure: Requesting the Agents extension and handset type

Select Allocation

The agent is now presented with a list of Allocations that are available for them to work on:

Figure: select an allocation to dial

Once the agent has selects an allocation Noojee Campaigner will display the 'Dialer' window.

Note: Noojee Campaigner supports a number of dialer types. You will want to review and select the most appropriate dialer for each campaign. See the section of 12. Dialer Operation for additional details.


To start the dialer click the 'Start' button on the Dialer window.

Figure: start the dialler by clicking the 'Start' button

The Agent can stop the dialler at any point by clicking the 'Stop' button on the Dialer that replaces the 'Start' button once the dialler has stopped.

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