05. Screen Layouts

05. Screen Layouts

When a Campaign is loaded into Noojee Campaigner, the Campaign Manager will either associate the Campaign with an existing Campaign Template or create a new Campaign Template as part of the import.

If a new Campaign Template is created a default screen layout will be created. The default screen layout will contain a simple table with a row for each field.  You can add and delete rows as required.

Screen layouts are actually attached to the Campaign Template and may be shared between all of the Campaigns assigned to the given Campaign Template. A Campaign Template may have multiple screen layouts defined.

To use a Screen Layout the Campaign Manager attaches the Screen Layout to an Allocation when creating the Allocation. A Campaign may have multiple Allocations and each Allocation can use a different Screen Layout. You can also change the Screen Layout used by an Allocation whilst Agents are making calls via the Allocation Edit page.

When a Screen Layout is changed whilst a Campaign is running the layout will change the next time a lead is presented to an Agent. To edit a Screen Layout, first select the campaign into the Control Panel (if not already selected) and the click the 'Screen Layout' button on the Control Panel. You will then be presented with a list of Screen Layouts that belong to the associated Campaign Template. Click the 'edit' button on the same row as the Screen Layout you want to edit.

A Campaign Manager can delete a Screen Layout provided it isn't in use by any Allocation. A Campaign Manager may also copy an existing Screen Layout to create an alternate version (such as to test a different script). When you go to create an Allocation both versions will be available to select from.

Figure: List of screen layouts

A Campaign Manager can edit the set of fields associated with the Campaign Template by clicking the Fields button. Fields are associated with the Campaign Template and shared by all Screens associated with that Campaign Template.

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