03.01. Preparing Leads

03.01. Preparing Leads

To commence any campaign you start by importing the set of leads which are to be called.
To import a set of leads and create a new campaign the leads must be stored in a 'comma separated variable width' file, more commonly know as a CSV file. You can create a CSV file using MS-Excel or Open Office Calc by use the 'Save As' option and selecting the 'Text CSV (.CSV)' file type.

CSV Files

CSV files are a common method used for for transfering simple sets of data, such as a customers details, between two systems. Noojee Campaigner allows a CSV containing a set of leads to be directly imported.

A number of common tools allow a CSV file to be created. Some of the tools  that support the creation of a CSV file are:

  • Excel
  • MS Access
  • Open Office Calc
  • Outlook
  • Salesforce
  • Sugar CRM
  • Most other CRMs

You can find tips on creating a CSV file using 18.02 MS-Excel18.02 MS-Excel.

You can find tips on managing your leads with 18.01 MS-Access.

The CSV file MUST confirm to the following rules

  • The CSV file that you are importing MUST include a header row as the first line in the file. The header row must contain a unique field name (column label) for each column.
  • The header row MUST contain a field named 'Phone' or 'Mobile' or both.
  • If a Field name contains a 'space' then the space will be converted to an underscore ('_').
  • All phone numbers require area code irrespective of where the call is being made from.

Figure: Sample CSV file prepared for importing

When importing a CSV file  you have the option of creating a new Campaign Type or adding an existing Campaign Type.

New Campaign Template

When creating a new Campaign Type each column in the spread sheet will results in a reciprocal 06. Fields being created for the 04. Campaign Templateemplate. When the fields are created their names will be taken from the header row in the CSV file.

Existing Campaign Template

If you are adding to an existing Campaign Template then the set of Field names MUST match the field names in the existing Campaign Template.

You may import a subset of the fields that the Campaign Template expects however the 'Phone' field is mandatory in all cases.