Account Advanced
Account Advanced
Advanced Options
A collection of rarely changed options.
Field | Explanation |
Enabled | Controls whether this account is enabled. Disabled accounts cannot be logged into. |
Disabled Date | The date and time the account was disabled (if the 'Enabled' field isn't checked). |
Description | Allows you to provide a description of what the account is used for. |
Cost Centre | Allows you to categorise Accounts into Cost centres. At this point there are not reports that utilise this feature. |
Concurrent Session Limit | Controls how many concurrent (at the same time) logins can be made to this account. This should normally be set to 1. Allowing two users to login to the same account simultaneously can have some rather undesireable side affects if they are using any of the advanced options. e.g. Noojee Vision or the Dialer. |
Password Must Change | If enabled the next time the user logs into their Account they will be forced to change their password. |
Password Cannot Change | If ticked the user will never be allowed to change their password. |
Password Never Expires | If set the user's password will never expire. If not ticked then the user's password will expire every 'n' months (controled by the Site settings). On expiry the user will be forced to change their password the next time they login. |
Anniversary | The date the Account was created. |
Password Lat Change Date | The last date/time that the user changed their password. |
, multiple selections available,