10. Exporting

10. Exporting

Organisations will often operate a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system or similar system and may need to export the results of the campaign from Noojee Campaigner. The export option is provided to allow the Campaign Manager to export the leads from a campaign. When exporting leads the Campaign Manager can export leads for one or more allocations or for specific disposition codes. It will often be useful to run the export process multiple times creating a CSV file for each disposition code or allocation.

Figure: Exporting a campaign

The Campaign is shown as a tree with the root of the tree being the Campaign. The next level displays the set of Allocations which can be expanded out to show the set of disposition codes used for the Campaign. The Campaign Manager can select to export the entire Allocation or just individual disposition codes. Most Campaign Manager's just export the important disposition codes such as 'Sale'.

Add header row to export data

If the 'Add Header row to exported data' check box is selected then the resulting CSV file will include a header row with each column labelled with the field's name. We recommend that you select this option.

Include System Fields

If the 'Include System Fields' check box is set then the exported CSV file will include a set of Noojee System fields attached to the end of each row. The system fields provide information such as when the lead was called, which agent, call duration etc.

Include All call records

Note: Do NOT use this option unless you understand what it does!!!

For a standard export the CSV will contain one row per lead. If you choose the 'Include All call records' option then the CSV file will include one row for EVERY call made against a lead. As such there will be 2,3,4 or more rows per lead. You would only use this option if you need to see the history of a every lead. If you want to see the history of a single lead then the 11. Call Editor is a better option.


Once you have selected the required allocations and dispositions then click the 'Export' button to start the export. Depending on the size of the Allocation it may take a few minutes for the export to complete. Check the browsers 'download' list to monitor the downloads progress. You can either select to save the CSV file to disk or open it with the associated application. The export process will normally result in Excel being launched (assuming that you have Excel setup to open CSV files). If Excel is launched you will be prompted with the Text Import dialogue

Figure: Exporting the data to Excel

Make certain that you select 'Comma' as the 'Separated by' option and the Text Delimiter needs set to the double quote character and select the 'Quoted field as text' option otherwise Excel will strip leading zeros off your phone numbers.

The resulting CSV file will contain all of the fields defined for the Campaign Type as well as a number of system defined fields which include:

  • Lead Call Time
    The time of the last call to the lead for the selected Allocation.

  • Agent
    The Agent that made the last call to the lead for the Allocation.

  • Disposition
    The disposition set when the last call was made to the lead for the Allocation.

  • Callback Date
    If a call back was set then the callback date for the lead.

If the lead was not called then the Disposition will be 'None'.

Using a date range

WARNING: version prior to had a design issue that yielded unexpected results for many people. As such if you are running a version of Noojee Campaigner prior to we don't recommend you use this feature.

Sometimes you may want to progressively download a set of leads as a campaign runs. As an example you may need to export the sales at the end of each day. To do this you need to use the date range at the top of the screen. The date range lets you export leads that where called within a given date range. If you combine this with selecting a specific disposition (e.g. Sales) then you can export all sales that occurred on a given date.

Note: The 'First Call Date'  start as 0:00 hours and the 'Last Call Date' finishes at 24:00 hours.

What this means is that to get a single days worth of leads the first and last dates should be the same date.

e.g. First Call Date 01/01/2020, Last Call Date 01/01/2020 will result in all leads called, at any time, on the 01/1/2020.


Exporting leads that were called in a specific date range can have unexpected results if you are not careful.

To explain.

When you select a date range and select a specific disposition the exporter looks for all leads that were called in the given date range, where the last call, in the selected date range, has the given disposition.

So the first problem is that if the lead was called multiple times in the selected date range then only the last call to that lead that falls within the date range is considered. Assuming that you are selecting a disposition such as 'Sale' which would normally be the final call made against a lead then this is fine. If however for whatever reason a call was made against the lead after it was marked as a Sale and that call was made within the selected date range, then you won't get the expected results.

The next issue is that when you export the results the system will ALWAYS export the field values as they today. Again, if the leads hasn't been called since the original sale was made then this will not be a problem. However if for some reason you called the lead after it was marked as a Sale and updated the field values then the exporter will export the updated field values.

Finally the '11. Call Editor' can also cause you problems. If you need to go into a lead and edit the details via the call editor the last call date/time will be modified and the disposition may be updated. If the dispositions is changed and the new last call date/time fits within your selected date range then it may result in the lead not being exported (e.g. the new disposition isn't the one you have filtered on).

Its all too hard, is there an easier way?

If you are unsure what all of the above means then the simplest answer is to not use a date range. Simply export all of the leads with the desired Disposition Codes, use Excel to sort the leads in date order and then cut and paste the desired leads.

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