16. Call Scheduler

16. Call Scheduler

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The Call Scheduler allows you to perform bulk rescheduling of new leads and callbacks using a drag and drop Calendar interface.

The Call Scheduler is split into 4 main areas:

Period drop list - allows you to select the Calendar Period to display. Available options are Day, Week and Month with Week being the main view.

Allocation Panel - allows you to select which Allocations are to be displayed in the Calendar panel.

Calendar Panel displays the Call Blocks for the selected Allocations.

Ten minute breakdown - allows you to see the details of a Call Block.


The Period drop list allows you to select the period of time that is displayed within the Calandar panel.

The available options are:

  • Day - displays a single day within the Calandar panel
  • Week - the default view displays a week, starting from today.
  • Month - displays a month starting from today.

Select Allocations

Start by selecting one or more allocations from the left hand list. Click an allocation to select it, click it again to de-select it.

You may select multiple allocations and a composite view will be displayed in the Calendar.

As you select an allocation any new leads or callbacks are displayed in the calendar in one hour blocks as a 'Call Block'. Each Call Block is colour coded to indicate the type of calls.

Green Call Blocks show leads which haven't been called.
Yellow Call Blocks shows leads which are due to be called back as a result of a No Answer, Busy, Answering Machine etc.
Red Call Blocks shows leads which are a Client Approved Callback.

Rescheduling Call Blocks

You can quickly and easly reschedule call by clicking the a Call Block and draging it to another time period on the Calendar.

When you drop the Call Block the Reschedule Calls filter dialog will be displayed (see below), which will allow you to refine the set of leads that you actually want moved or cancel the action if you change your mind.

Moving leads between 10 minute intervals

Each Call Block displays the time and quantity of leads available in that one hour block.

Whilst leads will become available during the indicated hour block, they may not necessarily be available at the start of the hour. To see additional details click the Call Block and the 'Ten minute breakdown' table will be filled with the selected Call Block's details. You can now re-schedule the calls for the selected Call Block within the Hour. To reschedule events within the hour simple click the time interval you want to move, drag it to the desired location within the Ten minute breakdown panel,  then drop the interval.

Filtering leads by disposition

Whenever you drag and drop leads within either the Calendar or Ten minute breakdown you will be presented with a dialog which allows you to further control what leads are moved.

The dialog breaks down the leads within the Call Block or Interval by disposition. For each disposition it displays a count of the number of leads of that disposition type within the selected Call Block or Interval.

You can then optionally alter the count to control how many of each disposition type are moved to the new time slot. If you have one disposition type that you don't want moved then set its count to 0. If you want to just move some of the leads then reduce the count to the desired number that you want to move.

When you are happy with the counts click OK to reschedule the calls or Cancel to cancel the move. For large numbers of leads it may take several minutes for the leads to be moved.


The Call Scheduler provides different ways to view a period of  time.

In the top left corner you can select the Period the calendar displays. The Periods available are Day, Week and Month.

Month View

The Month View gives you a high level overview of the scheduled calls across the month.

From the month view you can click the a week no. down the left hand side of the Calendar to move to a Week view for the selected period.


You can also click on a specific date to move to a day view for that date.


You can NOT drag and drop Intervals in the month view.

Week View

The Week view is the default view. You can move between weeks by clicking the 'Left and Right' arrows at the top of the Calendar.

You can also move to the day view by clicking a date at the top of the calendar.

Day View

The Day view allows you to focus on a single day. You can move between days by clicking the 'Left and Right' arrows at the top of the Calendar.

To move to the Week or Month view using the 'Period' drop list in the top left hand corner.

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