20. Campaign Goals
Campaign Goals allow a Contact Centre manager to create custom Goal based reporting on outbound Campaigns.
Goal based reporting allows the manager to set individual or team based goals and then track progress agains those goal. Goals can be set up for Hourly, Daily, Weekly or Monthly targets.
Goals essentially provide a mechanism to count the number of calls which result in a specific set of Dispositions and measure that count against a target count.
Intended Usage
Goals can be used to motivate and measure staff performance. Goal progress can be viewed on a number of key reports to provide a highly visible and easily digestiable measure of the success of a campaign.
It is recommned that Campaigner Managers set up one or more goals for each Campaign Template-274
Goal progress can be viewed via the following reports:
Creating Campaign Goals
There are two steps required to setup a Campaign Goal.
1) Create Reporting Categories
2) Create individual Goals for each Campaign Template
Reporting Categories
As Campaign Goals essentially count the number of calls with a given disposition we need a mechanism to define the set of dispositions that are to be counted. The Reporting Categories allow one or more dispositions to be selected into a named Reporting Category.
Often a Reporting Category will only have a single disposition (e.g. Sale) but in some cases it may make sense to select multiple Dispositions, for instance you may have different types of sales but still want to report on the total sales via a single Goal.
Creating a Reporting Category
To create a Reporting Category select:
Campaign | Reporting Category
Click the 'New' button to create the new Reporting Category
Name: enter a unique and memorable name for the Reporting Category
Description: enter a description which will help you and others understand what the reporting category is used for.
Enable: ensure the enable check box is 'ticked' to activate this Reporting Category.
Dispositions: Click the 'Add' button to view a list of available Dispositions. Add each of the Dispositions that you wish to count towards this goal.
Creating Campaign Goals
Once you have created the necessary Reporting Categories you need to create the desired goals for each Campaign Template.
To create a Campaign Goal select:
Campaign | Campaign Template
Select the left hand radio button which is adjacent to the Campaign Template that you want to add the goal to.
Click the 'Campaign Goal' button.
Click the 'New' button.
Name: enter a unique and memorable name for the new Campaign Goal
Reporting Category: select the Reporting Category created in the prior step.
Field: select the field to base the count on. NOTE: the selected field MUST appear on the Screen Layout or it will not be counted correctly.
Calculation Type: select 'Count' to simply count the number of calls that have the selected dispositions. Select 'sum' if you want to 'sum' (add up) the values of the selected field for each call with one of the selected dispositoins. For most goals you will select 'Count'. The sum option can be used to 'sum' (add up) a dollar amount which is stored in a field which provides a means of tracking goals based on a dollar value.
Campaign Goal Target: select the target for the Campaign.
Allocation Goal Target: select the target for individual Allocations within the Campaign
Goal Target Period: the period the goal should be measured over. Select one of 'Daily', 'Weekly' or 'Monthly'. The goal count will be reset at the begining of the selected period. Daily targets start at 12:00 am, Weekly start Sunday morning at 12:00am and Monthly start on the first day of the Calendar month at 12:00am.