03. Workflow

03. Workflow

This section describe a typical workflow process that is followed when running a campaign and describes each of the components involved in a typical workflow.

The Campaign Control panel lays out the typical workflow and the recommend order.

If you look carefully at the below image you will see that each box has a small arrow pointing to the next box (step) in the work flow process.

Figure of Noojee Campaigner Control Screen
A typical workflow undertakes the following steps.

  1. Prepare your leads ready for import
  2. Import a campaign from a CSV (excel) file
  3. Wash the leads through the DNC and/or Noojee Lead Cleanser
  4. Configure the screen layout (agent script) including specifying any special field types
  5. Define the set of call Dispositions (wrap codes or call outcomes).
  6. Create an allocation
  7. 'Start' the allocation to make it available to agents
  8. Monitor the campaign's progress as agents make calls using the dialler
  9. Export the resulting prospects