11. Call Editor

11. Call Editor

The Call Editor screen allows an Agent to edit the details of a lead after completing a call. The purpose of the Call Editor screen is to allow an Agent to correct any errors that may have been made during the initial data entry (whilst on the phone or in wrap time).

The Call Editor screen displays the most recent call at the top of the screen to make it easy for an agent to find the relevant lead details.

An Agent may only view and edit their own calls.

A Campaign Manager may view, search and edit any Agents calls.


You can search for a call using the search filter by any of the following fields:

  • Phone No

  • Lead id

  • Campaign Name

  • Agent

  • Last Call date

  • User Field (any data imported from CSV file).

If your Agents are making lots of mistakes, you should have a look at the Field 05.5.4 Field Validation options that are available. This is highly technical reading so if thats not you, call Noojee Support for help.

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