05.2.1 Send Email Action

05.2.1 Send Email Action

The Send Email Action sends an email which may incorporate details from the current lead to one or more recipients.

To create a Send Email Action you need to create an Email Template and then create the Action Disposition agains the desired Disposition.

The simplest way to create an email template is to copy an existing Screen layout and then change all of the #input tags to #view.

Once you have the Email template note its ID and then from the desired Disposition create a new Action Disposition.

Select the 'Send Email Action' and they configure the action.

The Action is a set of parameters that control the email settings.
The available parameters are:

  • templateid - id of the email template
  • to - email address of the person the email is to be sent to.
  • cc - email address to copy email to
  • bcc - blind copy address
  • from - email address of the person designated as sending the email
  • subject - subject line for the email message.

The above paramters need to be encoded as follows:

templateid=42&to=sales@noojee.com.au&from=support@noojee.com.au&subject=Test Email

The above parameters instruct the system to:

use Email Template with an id of 42,

use a 'to' address of sales@noojee.com.au

use a 'from' address as 'support@noojee.com.au'

use a 'subject' of Test Email

Multiple recipients

If you need to send the email to more than 3 people allowed (to, cc, bcc) you can simply set up additional Send Mail Actions for the same disposition with the additional set of people the email should go to.

Field parameters

Some times you may want set one of the above parameters based on the value of a Field from the Campaign Template.

If you have field called phone then you could us it in the subject line as follows:

templateid=42&to=sales@noojee.com.au&from=support@noojee.com.au&subject=Appointment set for ${phone}

You can use and Field in any of the above parameters.



Each time an Action Disposition is fired an audit record is recorded which tracks all of the passed fields as well as the outcome of the call. You can access Audit Records via the menu : Record | Audit Trail

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