5.2.4 URL Action

5.2.4 URL Action


A URL Disposition Action allows you to fire an REST style call to an external system at the end of each call (based on the selected disposition) to send data or notify the external system.


A URL Disposition Action has many possible uses. Some examples are:

  • Create an invoice in the Corporate CRM
  • Push call details into a CRM
  • Trigger a Credit Card Payment
  • Register a user on a web site.


A URL Action is created using the standard process to create a 05.2 Disposition Actions.

Select the Action Type 'Url Action'.

In the Arguments section enter the full URL that is to be passed to the external system as well as any NJ Campaigner fields that need to be passed.

You can pass both User fields and 06.02. System Fields on the url.



The above example calls a fictitious google service which registers a persons phone number. In addition to the phone no. the campaign name and unique lead id are also passed to the google service.

Note: you must be certain that url is correctly encoded (e.g. replaces spaces with %20). Noojee will automatically encode the values of any User or System fields that you add to the url but the rest of the URL is up to you.

You can read more on passing 05.1 Arguments to Action Dispositions.


Each time an Action Disposition is fired an audit record is recorded which tracks all of the passed fields as well as the outcome of the URL call. You can access Audit Records via the menu : Record | Audit Trail