05.2 Disposition Actions

05.2 Disposition Actions

Disposition Actions are actions that are fired at the end of a dialer call. An action can be as simple as sending an email or an SMS (text message) or updating an external system (e.g. your CRM). The strength of Disposition Actions is that you can log different information depending on the disposition (outcome) of the call.

If you want to give the Agent the ability to manually trigger an action then you need to use 05.3 Action Links.

As an example, when an Agent makes a sale you may want to create an opportunity or a quote directly in your CRM, whilst for a disconnected number you may want to delete the phone number from the CRM. Disposition Actions allow you to do this.

Multiple actions may be associated with a single disposition, these actions will be fired sequentially in no particular order.

As each action is fired an Audit record will be created.


Provides significant flexibility in what gets logged.

Allows multiple actions to be fired for each lead.  e.g. send a email, create an opportunity...

A number of standard actions (send email) are built in and easy to configure.


May require customisations depending on what actions are required and the target CRM.


Disposition Actions are associated with dispositions, and as such configuration of Disposition actions is achieved from the Dispostions page (Navigate to Campaign | Dispositions then select the 'Actions' tab.

A list of associated actions are displayed, a new action may be created by clicking the "New Action" button.

Enter a Name and description then selection the Action and enter the required Settings.


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