Handset Call Group

Handset Call Group

Call Groups and Pickup Groups

Call Groups and Pickup Groups allow staff to 'pickup' calls ringing on another handset by dialing a feature code (by default this is '*8').

A Call Group defines a set of related handsets. Most Call Groups are in the same physical location as generally you need to be able to hear that a phone is ringing in order to deciede that you are going to answer it.

When setting up Call Pickup, start by defining each group of geographically located phones and allocating them to a Call Group. A phone can actually belong to multiple Call Groups. This can make sense if the phone is located between two areas of the office and both areas can hear the phone ringing.

A Call Group is an integer value from 0 - 63, so you can have up to 64 call groups within your organisation. Multiple Call Groups are defined as a comma separated list. A range of call groups can be defined using a lower and upper bound separated by a hyphen, e.g. 1,9-11. This would put the handset in call groups 1, 9,10 and 11.

Once you have defined the Call Groups you need to define who is allowed to answer (pickup) calls within the call group. This is defined by the Pickup Group. Normally each member of a Call Group should be able to answer calls from within their own Call Group. So if a handset belongs to Call Group 1 then you should enter '1' into the Pickup Group.

Like Call Groups a handset can have multiple Pickup Groups defined and again these are a comma separated list of Call Group No.s and/or a hypen separated range. e.g. 1,2,9-15 means that you can pickup calls on phones in Call Groups 1,2,9,10,11,12,13,14 and 15.


Field Explanation
Pickup Group Defines the set of 'Call Groups' this extension can pick up calls from. If an extension is ringing which belongs to a 'Call Group' listed in the Pickup Group then this extension can can pickup the call by dialing *8.
Call Group The list of Call Groups this handset belongs to.