02. Disposition Actions

02. Disposition Actions


Disposition Actions allow one or more automated actions to be performed each time an Agent dispositions a call.

An action might be as simple as sending an 05.2.1 Send Email Action or SMS, updating an external database or creating a prospect in your CRM system.

As an example, an Agent calls a lead who asks for some more information on a product. The agent select the 'Info Pack' disposition at which point two things happen:

1) The system asks the agent for callback date/time so that they can follow up the client in a few days

2) The system automatically emails the Information Pack to the customer.

See the section on 05.2 Disposition Actions for details on how to use these Actions.

Action Types

Noojee Campaigner ships with a set of standard actions and the ability to extends the set of actions available.

  • Conditional Action - performs an action if a condition is met.
  • Email Action - sends an email.
  • Insert Lead - copies the current lead into another Allocation.
  • Send SMS - sends an SMS.
  • SQL Action - calls an SQL statement allowing an external database to be updated.
  • URL Action - cals a URL allowing an external Web service to be updated.

Refer to the online help for details of each action.

Refer to Integration methods for additional details on using 05.2 Disposition Actions

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