06.01. Field Types

06.01. Field Types

By default all fields are initially created as a Text box field type.

You change how a field is displayed on a screen layout by modifying its Field Type.

The set of available Field Types are:

  • Check box
  • Date
  • Drop list
  • Phone Number
  • Radio
  • Text
  • Text Area

Check box

Displays the field value using a check box. The fields value will be set to 'yes' or 'no' depending on the state of the checkbox. If the checkbox is 'checked' then the value will be set to 'yes' otherwise 'no'.  When data is imported the same rules apply in that if the imported field contains the value 'yes' then the checkbox will initially displayed as 'checked'.


Displays the field as a date along with a 'date picker' control that lets the Agent set the date via a calendar control. A time may also be specified when the agent is entering the date.

Drop List

Displays the field as a list of options displayed in a simple drop list with the current leads value used as the default value. The agent may change the value by selecting any element in the drop list.

When a field is defined as a drop list you must enter a set of values. Each value consists of a 'Display' component and a 'Value' component. The Display component is displayed to the Agent whilst the Value component is used when exporting the data to a CSV file. The Display and Value

components may be identical. To add a new value enter the Display and Value components and then click the 'Add' button. To remove a value select it from the list and click the 'Remove' button.

Figure: Editing the set of values which will be displayed as a drop list

Phone Number

The phone number field type is of special importance as it identifies the fact that the field contains a phone number and that the number is available to be dialed. A Campaign Template may contain any number of fields marked as 'Phone Number'. When a Campaign Template has more than one phone number you can control how the numbers are dialed via the 'Chain Dial' option on the 04. Campaign Template screen.

Radio List

The field is displayed as a list of radio buttons with the leads current value is used as the default value. The agent may select any one of the options to update the fields value.

When a field is defined as a radio list you must enter a set of values. Each value consists of a 'Display' component and a 'Value' component. The Display component is displayed to the Agent whilst the Value component is used when exporting the data to a CSV file. The Display and Value components may be identical. To add a new value enter the Display and Value components and then click the 'Add' button. To remove a value select it from the list and click the 'Remove' button.

Figure: Editing the list of radio button options.

Text Area

A multi-line edit box suitable for taking notes.

Text box

A simple one line edit box. This is the default field type selected when you create a new Campaign Template.

Figure: Screen Layout showing different Field Types as presented to an Agent

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