05.2. Input Fields

05.2. Input Fields

Input Fields are simply fields imported from the CSV file which can be displayed in Screen Layout. Fields can also be added to a Campaign Type after the initial import and these fields will also be available in the Screen Editor. By default when a field is imported from the CSV file it is defined as a Text field and when inserted into a Screen Layout will be displayed to the Agent as a simple Text box. You may however want to change the 06. Fields so that it displays differently. How to set the field type of a field is described later in this document.

The screen editor provides a simple means of adding an element to a screen layout however if you need to manually edit the screen layout the following information will be useful.

When you add an Element to a screen layout the editor enters a element tag of the form:


Where <ElementType> is one of the supported element types:

  • Input - displays the field such that it can be modified by the agent whilst on a call.
  • View  - displays the field but does not allow the Agent to modify it.
  • Agent - see 05.3. Agent Tags.

And where <elementname> is replaced with the actual field name. For example, if the imported CSV has a column labelled Firstname then to display the leads Firstname along with a greeting in the script the following would be entered:

Good morning/afternoon #View.Firstname, I'm call on behalf of....

If the current leads Firstname is 'John' then the above script would be displayed as:

Good morning/afternoon John, I'm call on behalf of....

Noojee Campaigner supports the following field types:

Check box
Displays the field values using a check boxes. Great if you want the Agent to be able to select multiple values. The current lead's value (yes or no) is used to select one the associated check boxes. After a lead has been processed the field will have either the value 'yes' or 'no'. If you import a checkbox fields the fields must have a value of 'yes' or 'no', a blank checkbox field is not supported.

Displays the field as a date along with a control that lets the Agent set a new date via a calendar control.

Drop List
Displays the field as a list of options displayed in a simple drop list with the current leads value used as the default value. The agent may change the value by selecting any element in the drop list.

Radio List
The field is displayed as a list of radio buttons with the current leads value used as the default value. The agent may select any one of the options to update the fields value.

Text Area
A multi-line edit box suitable for taking notes.

Text box
A simple one line edit box. This is the default field type selected when you create a new Campaign Type.

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