05. Individual Pool

05. Individual Pool

Recommended usage:

Cold calling where the minutes spent talking is the most important success factor.

The Individual Pool is able to operate efficiently with only a single Agent working on an Allocation.


The Individual Dialer is the third fastest of the dialers however it presents the risk of annoying customers. The Individual Dialer has built in anti-harassment logic however the nature of the Individual Dialer is to 'over-dial' leads. This will inevitably lead to some customers answering the call when the Agent isn't available.

Noojee Dialler will not retry a number that has been unsuccessfully dialed for a defined period of time to avoid harassing customers. If Noojee Dialler runs out of numbers which can be Individual Pool Dialed it will automatically stop. Each Agent must then restart the Dialer and select the 'Force Single Dial' checkbox before the dialer can continue.


The principle behind the Individual Pool dialer is that it is designed to dial 'n' numbers simultaneously whenever the Agent becomes available.  The dialer does this because many of the leads that the Dialer dials will be engaged, disconnected or simply not answered. By dialing additional numbers (referred to as over-dialing) the dialer is able reduce the time it takes to find a lead that is answered and which can then be connected to the agent.

Note: if your leads sources have significant numbers of Disconnected leads then you should consider using the Noojee Lead Cleansing service to remove the disconnected numbers from your list before you load them into Noojee Campaigner.

The Individual Pool Dialer is configured via the Campaign Type.  The key fields that affect the Individual Dialer are:

  • Min pool size

Whenever the agent becomes available the Dialer will dial 'Min Pool Size' numbers. If a lead in the Pool is engaged or disconnected the Pool will discard the lead (after recording the outcome of the call attempt) and pull the next available lead into the Pool. This continues until a call is answered. The call is then connected to the Agent and all other calls in the Pool are disconnected.

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