03. Predictive Dialer

03. Predictive Dialer

Recommended usage:

Cold calling where the minutes spent talking is the most important success factor.

The Predictive Dialer requires 12-15 Agents working on a single Allocation in order to operate efficiently. 

Smaller teams may be able to use the Predictive dialer if the 'talk time' of each connected call is very consistent. For small teams the 06. Shared Pool06. Shared Pool dialer performs almost as well as the Predictive dialer, however it will result in a higher Abandonment Rate.


The Predictive Dialer is the fastest of the dialers however it presents the risk of annoying customers and will only operate effectively for larger teams (12+ agents).

The predictive dialer uses a statistical algorithm to 'predict' when the next agent will be available and the amount of time it will take to obtain the next 'live' call. With small teams the statistical model breaks down (the very nature of statistics is that they only work when you have a large group to work with).  For a small team use one of the Pooled dialers.

The Predictive Dialer has built in anti-harassment logic however the nature of the Predictive Dialer is to 'over-dial' leads. This will inevitably lead to some customers answering the call when no Agents are available.

Noojee Dialer will not retry a number that has been unsuccessfully dialed for a defined period of time to avoid harassing customers. If Noojee Dialer runs out of numbers which can be Predictive Dialed it will automatically stop. Each Agent must then restart the Dialer and select the 'Force Single Dial' checkbox before the dialer can continue. Note: in the next release the system will drop to single dial mode automatically and the 'Force Single Dial' option will be removed.


The principle behind the Predictive dialer  is that it is designed 'predict' when an agent will become Available and have a 'live' call ready to connect to the Agent. In the real world is this particularly hard to achieve as the Dialer still needs to ensure that it is not harassing customers. The main source of customer harassment is Abandoned calls. Abandoned calls occur when the dialer connects to a 'live' customer when there is no Agent available. The Predictive Dialer's job is to minimise the level of harassment whilst minimising the amount of time an Agent waits between calls. The Predictive Dialers ability to do this affectively can be compromised by poor quality lists as well as unpredictable Agent talk time. Larger teams are more predictable than small teams.

Note: if your leads sources have significant numbers of Disconnected leads then you should consider using Noojee Lead Cleansing service to remove the disconnected numbers from your list before you load them into Noojee Campaigner. Disconnected numbers are hard to predict and make the dialer less reliable.

The Predictive Dialer is configured via the 04. Campaign Template page.  The key fields that affect the Predictive Dialer are:

  • Min pool size
  • Pool growth ratio

The 'Min pool size' is used to guide dialer in how aggressive it is. The larger the number the more aggressive. The more agressive the dialer is the high the customer Abandonment rate.

The Pool Growth Ratio combines with the Min Pool Size to guide the dialer on how many calls should be generated per agent based on the dialers predictive model of the number of Agents that are about to become available.

The number of calls generated is calculated as:

Min Pool Size + (Pool Growth Ratio * (No. of Available Agents - 1))



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