03.05. Dispositions
03.05. Dispositions
Dispositions are used to record the outcome of a sales call.
Typical Dispositions are:
- No Answer
- Sale
- Pitch No Sale
- Callback
- Do not call
- Fax
- Answering Machine
Dispositions are also used to control how a lead is handled after being called. For instance a lead which was marked as 'No Answer' can automatically be 're-queued' for the next day.
The system ships with a standard set of disposition codes however you may need to add, delete or change the set of disposition codes to suit your requirements.
To edit a disposition set click the 'Disposition' button on the Campaign Control Panel and the click the 'Dispositions' button.
You can then add, delete and change dispositions as required.
Advanced Details
For more advanced details on maintaining dispositions see the 07. Dispositions.