Abandonment Rate

Abandonment Rate

When using almost any dialer technology (excluding a Preview Dialer) you will get a level of Abandonment rate.

Essentially 03. Predictive Dialer, 06. Shared Pool etc operate by dialing more customers than there are agents available. The idea is that not every customer will answer the phone so if the dialer is doing its job right it will get just enough answered calls for the number of available agents.

The reality is that the dialer somtimes gets it wrong. In these cases a Customer will answer a call but no agent will be available to take the call. In this case the dialer will hangup on the customer. This is referred to as an Abandoned call.

One of the core jobs of a Predictie Dialer is to minimize the Abandonment rate whilst also minimizing the amount of time that an agent waits for a customer to answer a call. Getting this balance right is where the magic (or in our case some serious statistical modelling) happens.

If you can't tolerate any abandoned calls then you need to use our 01. Preview Dialer.

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