17.14. Disposition Comparison Report

17.14. Disposition Comparison Report


Provides details of how leads have changed dispositions over time. Often a lead will be called multiple times during a Campaign. Each time the leads disposition may change as a result of the call. The Disposition Camparision report provides summary details on how disposition counts have changed between two dates.

Intended Use

Provides a Campaign Manager with the ability to measure how a complex campaign is progressing towards a target. Many Campaigns require a number of interactions with a customer before a sale is made. For these type of campaigns each lead may transistion through several stages which are each marked via a different disposition code. The comparision report gives a Campaign Manager a means to see how these transitions are progressing.


  • From (date)
  • To (date)
  • Allocation
  • Disposition



Field Description
Campaign The name of the Campaign.
Allocation The name of the Allocation.
Initial Disposition The disposition of the lead as at the 'First Call Date'
Initial Count The number of leads that had the iniital disposition on the First Call Date
Final Disposition The final disposition of the leads at the Last Call Date that had the Initial Dispositon at the Fist Call Date.
Final Count The final count of the leads at the Last Call Date that had the Initial Dispositon at the Fist Call Date.

Refer to the Field Glossary for more detailed explaination of each field and how it is derived.
