17.07. Campaign Agent Activity

17.07. Campaign Agent Activity


The Campaign Agent Activity report displays a break down of the activities for each Agent-269 working on an Allocation within a Campaign.

The report shows the time spent on various activities within the Campaigner 12. Dialer Operation, and a total of the time spent within the dialer itself.

The report can be filtered by Agent, Allocation, Date range and an Interval.

Intended Use

Helps provide an understanding of where an agent is spending their time.

FiltersCampaign Agent Activity

When running the Campaign Agent Activity report you can control the report based on a number of selection critera:

  • From: and To: fields: These define the reporting period. The start period commences at 12:00am and the end period completes at 12:00pm. To select a single day the start and end periods should be for the same date.
  • Interval: Controls level at which a detail line is generated. If 'Hour' is selected then a detail line will be generated with values/totals/etc for each hour.
  • Agent: Defines the set of agents the report will be run for. You can select all agents by clicking the checkbox at the top labeled 'Agent' or you can select one individual agent.
  • Campaign Template: the campaign template to report on
  • Campaign: the campaign to report on.
  • Allocation: Defines the set of Allcoations the report will be run for. You can select all Allocations by clicking the checkbox at the top labeled 'Allocation' or you can select an individual Allocation.

Interval and Date range interaction

Date ranges MUST start at the beginning of an interval, this becomes an issue when the interval is set to WEEK, MONTH or YEAR. The start date will automatically be adjusted back to the start of an interval if it is not aligned with an interval start.

For example if the interval were MONTH and the start date was 17/07/2011, then the report would be generated with a start date of 01/07/2011. The filters on the generated report will reflect this adjustment.




Campaign The Campaign the calls are related to
Agent The login of the Agent working on the Campaign is listed on the left hand side of the report
Allocation The Allocation the calls are related to
Dates Dates selected as part of the report criteria are displayed in the column to the right of the Agent
Multi Dial The time the Agent had the dialler working in a Multi Dial mode
On call The time the Agent spent talking to leads
Preview The time the Agent spent Previewing leads before dialling
Single Dial The time the Agent had the dialler working in a Single Dial mode
Wrapup The time spent at the end of a call 'wrapping up' the lead
Activity Total Total time the Agent spent working within the Campaign dialler
Refer to the Report Definitions for more detailed explaination of each field and how it is derived.
Please note - setting custom Dispositions within a Campaign can cause these Dispositions to appear within the Campaign Agent Activity report.
