17.04. Campaign Agent Calls Report

17.04. Campaign Agent Calls Report


The 'Campaign Agent Calls Report' provides a list of all calls made via Campaign Manager which were handled by an agent. The report can be filter for a given date range, Campaign, Disposition and a selection of agents.

Intended Use

Provides a detailed list of every call made on a Campaign, Allocation for a given selection of Agents. This report can be occasionally useful if you need to see details about a specific call. Generally the summary reports are more useful.


  • Campaign
  • Disposition
  • Agent
  • Start Date
  • End Date


CampaignThe Campaign the lead belongs to
Lead IDThe leads unique id. Click the lead id to view the lead details.
AllocationThe allocation the call was made from.
Call TimeThe date and time the call was made.
Call DurationThe duration of the call. Hours : Minutes : Seconds.
DispositionThe disposition the agent applied to the call.
AgentThe username of the Agent that made the call.
ExtensionThe extension the call was made from.

Refer to the Field Glossary for more detailed explaination of each field and how it is derived.
