03.02. Importing Leads

03.02. Importing Leads

To create a campaign you must import a set of leads into Noojee Campaigner in the form of a CSV file.

Note: for advanced users Noojee Campaigner also supports a number of automated import methods. These methods however generally require some customisation to fully implement.

The Import Campaign panel allows you to select a prepared CSV file and import it.

The following process describes how to import your first campaign.  See the Campaign Import page for more advanced details on how to import campaigns.

Figure: Importing a campaign

Import into

Leave this to the default 'Create New Campaign'

Campaign Name

Enter the Campaign Name which the campaign will be referred to through out Noojee Campaigner. Select a number which will mean something to you such as 'May 2011 Cola Promotion'. 

Campaign Description

The campaign description allows you to enter some additional details regarding the campaign which may be useful to you when refering back to the campaign at some future date.

Campaign Template

The first time you import a Campaign you will want to create a 'New' Campaign Template by selecting the radio button next to 'New' and entering a Campaign Template name in the adjacent edit box. Note a Campaign Template can be used for multiple Campaigns.

Allow Duplicate Phone Numbers

Select 'No' to remove all duplicate numbers as they are imported (recommended).

Add Leading Zero

Some tools such as MS-Excel may strip leading zeros off phone numbers. Tick this option if you need Noojee Campaigner to re-add the leading zeros.

Phone Length

Change if your phone number has less than 10 digits. If turning on the 'Add Leading Zero' button include this in the total number of digits.

Mobile Length

Change if your mobile phone number has less than 10 digits. If turning on the 'Add Leading Zero' button include this in the total number of digits.

Callback Date Format

Leave this to the default format.


Click the 'Upload' button to select the prepared CSV file and then click the 'Save' button to begin the import. The import may take a number of minutes to run (e.g. 1 million leads can take up to 20 minutes to import).

Note: we recommend that you do not do large lead imports while Agents are making phone calls as the import may impact on the Agents ability to make calls.

Add Leading Zero

As of version 3.x the addition of leading zeros is no longer controlled by the end user but by a System Variable.

The System Variable CampaignImportZeroPrefix allows a series of patterns to be defined that what type of phone numbers should have a leading zero automatically added. There may be multiple CampaignImportZeroPrefix System Variables defined if you need to specify multiple patterns.

For dialing in Australia (the default) the pattern should be set to:


The 'X' character represents any digit. So the above pattern says match any 9 digit phone number that starts with a 2, 3, 4, 7 or 8 (these are Australia's STD codes) and add a leading zero.