DNCR Import

DNCR Import

This code is in ALPHA release!

Navigate Campaign | DNCR List Upload

The DNCR Import allows you to bulk import a large number of phone numbers into Noojee Campaigner for the purposes of managing Do Not Call lists.

Noojee Campaigner supports three different types of list.

  • Private Do Not Call Registry List (PDNCR)
  • Client List
  • Campaign


The PDNCR allows you to do a bulk load of numbers which are to be added to your own internal Private DNC registry. Any numbers of this list will be blocked from being called from ANY campaign.

The PDNCR takes precedence over any other lists.

Client List

The Client List allows you to do a bulk import of numbers that belong to your clients. Numbers on this list may alwasy be called unless the number is on the PDNCR.

Wash List

The Wash List allows you to upload a set of numbers to be washed and/or cleansed. Once uploaded the numbers are automatically submitted to the DNC Registrar for washing or to Noojee's Lead Cleansing Service as selected.

Once the numbers have been washed and/or cleansed you will be notified that the list is ready.

Uploading a list

To upload a list you must first prepare a CSV file (you can create this using 19. Tools).

The list must contain at least one column (Phone) and may optionally contain an Expiry Date column.

The first row MAY be a heading row. If it does it must use the following labels.

  • Phone
  • Expires


The Phone field must contain a phone number which only contains digits. The phone number MUST be formated exactly as you use the phone number in a campaign. e.g. if you campaign lists are 0312341234 then 12341234 will NOT match.

The phone field MUST only contain digits and the plus (+) symbol. The plus symbol MUST only be used for international numbers and must only be used as the first character.

Phone numbers MUST not contain spaces.


The Expires field allows you to set an expiry date for the entry. For example you may want to add a customer to the Private Do Not Call Registry for 12 months. In which case you would enter an Expires value twelve months out.

The format of the Expires field MUST by YYYY-MM-DD.

The Expires field is ignored for Wash Lists.